The Remarkable Disappearance of James Phillimore
novelette, 18 pagine
221B n. 29
ISBN ebook
Prezzo ebook
€ 1,99
Data di uscita
25 giugno 2024
Collana a cura di
Luigi Pachì
Collana a cura di
Luigi Pachì


The Remarkable Disappearance of James Phillimore

di Paul D. Gilbert

Something as ordinary as a forgotten umbrella soon becomes something quite remarkable.

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Something as ordinary as a forgotten umbrella soon becomes something quite remarkable. Its owner disappears without trace, from the interior of his own house! Only Sherlock Holmes & Doctor Watson can solve the mystery…

Paul D Gilbert was born in London in 1954. He now lives in Harrow with his wife 'and editor' Jackie. They have two sons, Stephen and Philip and a four year old Grandson, Dylan. Besides his beloved writing, Paul also enjoys all aspects of ancient history, movies, science fiction and a vast array of different kinds of music and sport. He is currently employed as a full time undertaker and is close to completing his eighth Sherlock Holmes pastiche.

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