Sherlock Holmes and the Trial of Joseph Carr
novelette, 28 pagine
221B n. 18
ISBN ebook
Prezzo ebook
€ 1,99
Data di uscita
1 febbraio 2022
Collana a cura di
Luigi Pachì


Sherlock Holmes and the Trial of Joseph Carr

di Orlando Pearson

A must for all lovers of serious sleuthing.

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In Kafka’s The Trial, Josef K (here rendered Joseph Carr) is arrested one morning although he has not done anything wrong, and is put on trial although no charge is ever disclosed to him.

Here Holmes conducts his own investigation into the arrest and subsequent legal process and his solution has uncanny pre-echoes of the early 21st century banking crisis and, in an extraordinary twist, Watson’s text even name-checks some of the people that caused it.

In its new guise The Trial emerges truly as a story of Holmes’s time, our time and for all time.

Orlando Pearson, creator of the well-known Redacted Sherlock Holmes series, commutes into London during the day and communes with the spirits of Baker Street by night.

An international businessman, his interests include classical music, history, literature, current affairs, sport and economics. All these themes find their way into his stories which are being translated into German and Italian.

Mr Pearson is married with two children and lives near Wisteria Lodge.

  • Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3